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☁Designer☁Puppeteer☁Performance maker☁
☁ Drag artist☁
Scampering in the liminal recess of your eye. Your local genderqueer performance designer/maker & drag artist. Puppeteer of objects, fantasies/ that thing you’re longing to ooze out. Focus on godly queer, neurodivergent, disabled, and access lead collaborations with puppetry, drag, installation, performance, site-specific and outreach work.
Co-director @ Blooom Cornwall - Arts and events for marginalized folks
Weston Jerwood Creative Bursary @ Wildworks as Assistant Designer 2021-2022.
Design work exhibited @ Bargehouse, New Designers Exhibitions 2019, Plenhum Gallery Poland 2022.
Theatre Design BA @ Nottingham Trent University (First).


Recent Design work includes:
Merboy,Clampham Omnibus Theatre
The Solid Life Of Sugar Water,Dir. Indiana Lown-Collins (Orange Tree Theatre), Offie Award Winner
Gender Messy, Dir. Emma Frankland (Cambridge Junction)inc. puppetry
Window of Remembrance - Trans Week of Visibility/Day of Remembrance, Colab. Tabby Lamb (Studio 3 Arts)
As puppet designer :
Gender Messy (Cambridge Junction)
I Saw a Monster (National Maritime Museum)
Midsummer Nights dream (Eastville Park Lido)
As Assistant designer:
Galatea (Brighton Fringe Festival) Designer. Mydd Pharo
Victoria: A Royal Childhood (Kensington Palace) Designer. Verity Quin
Our Country’s Good (Nottingham Playhouse)Ramps on the Moon Designer. Niel Murray
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